Literacy Fact


For both young people and adults who struggle with reading, literature is becoming obscure. Artists for Literacy is helping teachers and tutors motivate their students to read by using songs and music videos inspired by literature.

It's working.

Please help us keep our students inspired and educated. Your generous gifts help to expand our resources.

Here are some suggested amounts. Thanks so much.

$500 - Nobel
$250 - Pulitzer
$100 -Laureate
$50 - Professor

You can donate on-line here:

or your donations can be mailed. Please make checks out to 'Artists for Literacy'. Your gift is tax-deductable.

Artists for Literacy
2325 Third Street #324
San Francisco, CA 94107

If you have any questions, feel free to call our director at 415.307.3181.

Thank you very much!

Other Contributions

Thank you for your support of Artists for Literacy. Your contributions help make literature more accessible to as many people as possible.

If you would like to contribute your time as a tutor at adult and family literacy projects, you can type in your zip code to find the organization nearest you. More...

If you would like to contribute your expertise as a teacher, our education director would love to hear from you. More...












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