Literacy Fact


To link to your nearest literacy project (for tutoring and learning), type your zipcode into a national on-line database. More...

We have information and links to several national and regional literacy organizations. More...

AFL Artists links

AFL Partners links

Many on-line communities have supported us by promoting our work and our calls for entry. We list them below here, alphabetically.

ASCAP: A major performing rights association.

BMI: A major performing rights association.

BandUtopia.Com: The largest, most functional database for the recording industry. All for YOU. All for FREE! Completely searchable with over 80 Categories currently boasting over 34,800 record industry entries completely viewable with NO LOCKOUTS! NO PASSWORDS! Our offices have done the work for you. The rest is up to you!

IndieGroup.Com: A Circle of Independence designed with your band in mind. This collection of utility based record industry sites offers a great deal of free services for any and all to utilize. We are doing our best to become your home for selling your CD, extensive database searching, industry news, promotion, distribution, free band email & web site space, fan support and that is only the beginning with so much more on the way.

Listen: Plugs everyone in to the music universe, connecting web sites, advertisers and consumers with online music. Our products and services power music on the Web.

The Muse's Muse: A songwriter's resource. This site is one of the most comprehensive and lively songwriter sites out there.

The Music Business Registry: Provides comprehensive music industry directories.

MusicDish: A leader in providing a unique business perspective on the issues impacting professionals and executives in the online music industry through news, report analysis and interviews with in-the-know companies.
MusicDish Survey: Get FREE exposure for every songwriter when you enter the MusicDish Songwriting Survey and receive a free song upload to SoundArtist's Global Pitch service.

MusicIsland: A resource for people who are looking to get in contact with the vast number of independent record labels that are the basis of the music industry.

Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI): The world's largest not-for-profit songwriters trade organization with nearly 5,000 members spanning the United States and 5 other countries.

The Orchard: They feature great independent music on the Internet, offering every artist and record company worldwide, non-exclusive distribution. The leading A&R company helping unsigned bands, artists and songwriters get record deals, publishing deals and placement in films and TV shows.

Songwriters Directory: A comprehensive database of songwriters and songwriter resources on the Internet.

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