Literacy Fact

Songs Inspired by Literature: Chapter Two Benefit CD
features 10 winning songs from our international songwriting competition as well as several songs donated by world-class songwriters: David Bowie, Tom Waits, Vicki Randle, Rosanne Cash and Steve Earle. Just like in Chapter One, the true featured stars of Chapter Two are the books, plays and poems that inspired those songs. The CD booklet features those literary works, highlighting the unique connection that those works share with the songs they've inspired.
Order Today! Now! This Moment in Your Life!

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1. Dee Adams - Pennsylvania ** Grand Prize Winner
Inspired by Orson Scott Card's novel Songmaster
2. Eileen Laverty - Tread Softly
Inspired by W.B. Yeats poem "He Wishes for the Clothes of Heaven"
3. David Bowie - 1984
Inspired by George Orwell's classic novel 1984
4. Ira Marlowe - The Wish
Inspired by Johann Wolfgang Von Gothe's play Faust
5. Marta Gomez - Paula Ausente
Inspired by Isabel Allende's memoir Paula
6. Deborah Pardes - Bobo's Country
Inspired by Alexandra Fuller's memoir Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight
7. Michelle [Bloom] - Listen, the Silences
Inspired by Thomas Merton's Essays Raids on the Unspeakable
8. Larry Kenneth Potts - The Ballad of Poker Alice
Inspired by Stephen Ambrose's historical novel Nothing Like it in the World
9. Steve Earle - Dixieland
Inspired by Michael Shaara's historical novel The Killer Angels
10. Vicki Randle - Don't Let Me Fall
Inspired by James McBride's memoir The Color of Water
11. Patti Witten - Goin' Back to Moline
Inspired by Robert Clark's novel Mr. White's Confession
12. Tom Waits - A Good Man is Hard to Find
Inspired by Flannery O'Conner's short story A Good Man is Hard to Find
13. Stephanie Riggio - Voice Inside (Song of Siddharta)
Inspired by Hermann Hesse's novel Siddhartha
14. Rosanne Cash - The Summer I read Colette
Inspired by Colette's Collected Stories of Colette
15. Ana Porter - Hunger
Inspired by T.S. Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
16. Gaskit - Peel This Away
Inspired by Elie Wiesel's autobiographical novel Night


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